On view

British, b. 1938
Sea Change, 1996
Stainless steel
20 ft. 5 in. x 11 in. x 13 ft. 9 in. (622.3 x 27.9 x 419.1 cm)
Gift of the Ralph E. Ogden Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, and the Margaret T. Morris Foundation
Photo by Jerry L. Thompson
George Cutts’s Sea Change is composed of two identical, slender, curving, stainless steel poles that turn slowly in opposite directions. The poles are anchored to motorized disks that are sunk below ground and encased in a concrete box. Electricity comes from an underground line, powering the only motorized sculpture at Storm King. The slow, synchronized rotations of the poles produce fluid, undulating movement as the poles seem to sway and flex, blending the mechanical with the natural. Moving ambiguously, the poles at times appear to rotate in opposite directions and at others in the same direction. As the sculpture moves and as one’s vantage point changes, the relationship between the two poles also seems to change, as they visually weave together then separate, shifting the space between them. An experienced deep sea diver, Cutts has noted that he intends this lyrical, kinetic sculpture to evoke the motion of seaweed as it moves with the flow of ocean waves and currents.