Off view

American, 1906–1991
Konkapot II, 1972
Weathering steel
69 in. x 10 ft. x 48 in. (175.3 x 304.8 x 121.9 cm)
Purchased with the aid of funds from the National Endowment for the Arts and gift of the Ralph E. Ogden Foundation
Storm King Art Center Archives
© Herbert Ferber/ Estate of Herbert Ferber, New York
Photo by Jerry L. Thompson
Herbert Ferber’s dynamic, open-form, welded works pierce space and seem to defy gravity. As he once observed, “Where sculpture had been solid, closed, it is now an art of open, airy, discontinuous forms, suspended in space." Konkapot II is one in a group of works Ferber created in the early 1970s in which he sought to convey a sense of calligraphy and a relief-like quality. He referred to these lyrical works, distinguished by a lateral rhythm of arcs and circles, as “horizon sculptures.” Konkapot II conjures the fluidity of nature in steel. Spreading curves and arcs balance segmented planes so the sculpture seems to rest and to move at the same time. The piece is named after a river near the artist’s home in the Berkshires in Massachusetts.