
Yehiel Shemi
Collage Sculpture, 1973
Yehiel Shemi
Untitled, 1975
Richard Shore
Uprise, 1972
Kenneth Snelson
Free Ride Home, 1974
Richard Stankiewicz
1979-4, 1979
Michael Steiner
Untitled, 1976
David Stoltz
Day Game, 1972
David Stoltz
Maquette for Day Game, 1972
David Stoltz
Owo, 1972
David Stoltz
River Run, 1972
George Sugarman
One, 1975–77
Michael Todd
Parenthetical Zero, 1970–71
Ernest Trova
Gox #4, 1975
Easter Island Head, (reproduction) 1970
Loops V
Gerald Walburg
Loops V, 1971–72
Mia Westerlund Roosen
Muro Series X, 1979
Abstract Mother
Alice Winant
Abstract Mother, 1970
Birth of Aphrodite
Isaac Witkin
Birth of Aphrodite, 1977–78
Isaac Witkin
Kumo, 1971
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