American, b. 1941
Shackled, 2013
27 1/2 x 30 5/8 x 8 3/8 in. (69.8 x 77.8 x 21.3 cm)
© Martin Puryear, courtesy Matthew Marks Gallery
Photo by Jeffrey Jenkins
Carved from oriented strand board, a building material that Puryear often works with for model-making, and then cast in iron, Shackled retains some of the surface-texture of the original. The only sculpture in the exhibition that is not a process-model, Shackled demonstrates how Puryear typically explores different forms over time in a variety of materials and at different sizes before realizing them at a monumental scale. In the year after making Shackled, Puryear completed drawings for Big Bling and Creature from Iddefjord, both of which bear formal similarities to the cast-iron sculpture, and which would later become large-scale site-specific public works.