On view

Israeli, 1932–2015
Eight Positive Trees, 1977
Weathering steel
14 ft. 5 3/8 in. x 46 ft. x 25 ft. 3 in. (440.4 cm x 14 m x 769.6 cm)
Gift of Muriel and Philip I. Berman, Allentown, PA.
©The Estate of Menashe Kadishman
Photo by Jerry L. Thompson
By the late 1970s Kadishman began to focus on nature, particularly on tree and forest themes, and worked on an environmental scale. Eight Positive Trees reveals this ongoing fascination, which harkens back to his youth, when, like many other Israeli children, he planted trees throughout the new country. Kadishman’s “negative” forms of stylized trees cut out from sheets of weathering steel were exhibited in the Venice Biennale in 1978. The viewer could see through the empty tree-shaped spaces, as well as walk through them to encounter the landscape. The steel silhouettes of Storm King’s Eight Positive Trees are the shapes cut out from the trees exhibited in Venice. In contrast to their negative counterparts, the silhouetted shapes suggest both solid trees and shadows.