On view

British, b. 1956
Five Men, Seventeen Days, Fifteen Boulders, One Wall, 2010
60 in. x 309 ft. x 32 in. (152.4 cm x 94.2 m x 81.3 cm)
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Lelong & Co., New York
© Andy Goldsworthy, courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co., New York
Photo by Jerry L. Thompson
On the occasion of Storm King’s fiftieth anniversary in 2010, Goldsworthy and the same team of British wallers returned to build Five Men, Seventeen Days, Fifteen Boulders, One Wall in a field that had interested Goldsworthy upon his first visits to Storm King. Using 250 tons of stones found on the property, Goldsworthy and the wallers altered a 309-foot dilapidated wall in the field over seventeen days. The five men built up a major span of the wall, while allowing the ends to taper off gently, evoking an ancient ruin. The wall winds around fifteen boulders along a grove of trees. Reflecting on his walls at Storm King, Goldsworthy has noted, “Trees, stone, people—these are the ingredients of the place and the work.”